Why You’re Not Getting Interviews: The 4 Job Applicant Buckets Explained


If you’re not getting the job interviews you hoped for, you might be falling into one of four common applicant buckets. Understanding these buckets can help you identify where you stand and how to improve your chances of landing your next interview.

Most applicants fall into four buckets but only those in Bucket 4 get hired – so where do you sit?

Bucket 1: Not Even Close to Qualified

Approximately 20-25% of applicants fall into this category. These are the candidates who apply for roles they are entirely unqualified for. Often, these applications result from mass “spray and pray” strategies or automated systems that apply to numerous jobs indiscriminately. If you’re in this bucket, it’s time to reassess your job search strategy and focus on roles that match your skills and experience.

Bucket 2: Right Area, Wrong Fit

Another 20-25% of applicants land here. These are the “shoot your shot” candidates who apply for jobs within their general field but aren’t a good fit for the specific role. While it’s admirable to take risks, in a competitive job market, this approach rarely pays off. Ensure your applications are targeted and relevant to increase your chances of success.

Bucket 3: Qualified, But Not the Top Choice

This is the largest group, comprising 30-40% of applicants. These candidates meet all the requirements but still don’t make the cut. They often get rejected despite checking all the boxes. The difference between this group and those who get interviews is often very subtle. It could be a matter of slight qualifications, a better cultural fit, or just sheer luck.

Bucket 4: The Interviewees

Typically less than 10% of applicants fall into this bucket. These are the candidates whose applications perfectly match the job description, industry, and required experience. They stand out on paper and move forward to the interview stage.

The Reality of Buckets 2 and 3

Many job seekers fall into Bucket 2, driven by inspirational LinkedIn posts encouraging them to take a chance. However, the reality is that companies often find candidates who not only have a great attitude but also closely match the qualifications.

The line between Bucket 3 and Bucket 4 is fine. Sometimes, moving from one to the other can be a matter of luck, but there are strategies you can employ to improve your chances:

  • Target Companies: Focus on companies where your experience is highly relevant.
  • Specific Skills: Highlight specific software, processes, or industry knowledge that directly relates to the job.

The current job market can be unfair and overwhelming, with many qualified candidates falling into Bucket 3 simply due to the volume of applications. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, tailoring your resume and focusing on roles where you match the top 10% of qualifications can help.

The best advice is to take ownership of your job search to ensure you’re not in Bucket 1 or 2. If you find yourself in Bucket 3, don’t get frustrated. Continue refining your approach and strive to land in Bucket 4. For more targeted assistance, reach out to us for a chat on how we can help with your next role