The New Face of High Achievers

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Picture a high achiever. 

If you’re thinking of someone speaking to a packed boardroom, it’s time to update that image. In the post-pandemic world, high achievers have evolved. They’re still great at face-to-face presentations, but they also excel at crafting impactful messages for teams spread across different time zones.

Atlassian has been ahead of the curve, allowing staff to work from anywhere even before the pandemic. 

Back in 2020, during lockdowns and border closures, about 8% of Atlassian’s workforce was already remote. The company’s strategy centered on the idea of a distributed workforce. Senior Vice President and Global Head of Talent, Avani Solanki Prabhakar, shared insights on this transition on Linkedin.

Embracing a New Work Culture

The goal? To create a workforce where work can happen anywhere—home, office, or even the beach. For high achievers, this means adapting to a new set of skills.

“We are also learning,” Prabhakar says. High achievers need to get comfortable with asynchronous work. What does that mean? It means embracing a written culture where reading and writing are key, as face-to-face interactions become less frequent.

Adapting to Tools and Technologies

High achievers must also get savvy with different tools and technologies. Instead of live presentations, they should be able to use asynchronous video tools, recording their presentations and sharing them for the team to review at their convenience. This approach allows for more flexible time management and efficient responses to feedback.

Beyond the Silo

High performers today need to reach beyond their usual roles. Understanding what’s happening across the company, rather than staying siloed, is crucial. And what about the common belief that office regulars get more promotions and recognition? Prabhakar debunks this myth. Data shows no proximity bias in Atlassian’s promotion rates between remote and office-based employees.

Continuous Learning

Supporting high achievers is an ongoing process. “You cannot say ‘we have figured it out and we have nailed it.’ We are always learning,” Prabhakar emphasizes.

What Skills Are Essential?

So, what skills do high achievers need in today’s changing workforce? They need to be excellent communicators, adept at using various digital tools, and flexible enough to manage their time and responsibilities effectively in a remote setup. Embracing continuous learning and staying connected across the company are also key to thriving in this new work environment.

High achievers are those who adapt, learn, and leverage new ways of working to stay ahead.

What do you think are the essential skills for today’s high achievers?