Reignite Your Career Passion. How to Get Your Mojo Back


The past few years have been challenging for everyone. The pandemic upended our daily routines and reshaped our personal and professional lives in ways we never expected. As a result, many of us are left feeling disconnected from the enthusiasm and drive we once had for our careers. Whether you’re just starting to notice the signs of burnout or you’re deep in the struggle, know that there’s hope. You can reignite that passion and energy for your work—here’s how.

Let’s start with the obvious: the workplace has changed.

The phrase “people don’t want to work anymore” is often thrown around, but it’s not entirely accurate. From our perspective, we’ve seen that people do want to work—they just don’t want to work in the same way they did before. The pandemic shifted our priorities, and many of us are now grappling with post-pandemic fatigue. This fatigue isn’t just physical; it’s mental and emotional too. Understanding that these feelings are common is the first step in getting your mojo back.

One of the most effective exercises lies in creating an “Interview Bucket List.” This isn’t just a list of companies you think are good places to work; it’s a list of companies that genuinely excite you. Start by identifying at least 10, but preferably 20, companies that you find fascinating. These should be companies that make you feel excited—whether it’s their products, services, mission, or the way they do business.

If you struggle to come up with even one company at first, that’s okay. It’s a sign that you haven’t been trained to think about your career in this way. But as you go about your day, start paying attention to what catches your interest. What companies do you admire? What brands do you love? This exercise is about rekindling that spark and connecting with what truly excites you.

After you’ve created your list of 20 companies, take it a step further. Next to each company, write down what specifically excites you about them. What makes them stand out in your eyes? As you do this, you’ll start to see patterns in what motivates and excites you. This is a crucial part of your career story—your “why.”

When you reach out to employers from your list, you’re not just another candidate. You’re someone who is genuinely passionate about what they do. This enthusiasm will come through in your interviews and make you stand out. Employers want to hire people who are motivated and excited to be part of their team. This is how you start to get your mojo back.

Reigniting your mojo isn’t about forcing yourself to feel excited about work. It’s about discovering what genuinely excites you and taking steps to make that a part of your career. The Interview Bucket List is just one way to do that, but it’s a powerful tool for getting back on track.

Ready to Get Your Mojo Back?

The journey to rediscovering your passion for work starts with small steps. What excites you? What companies or industries spark your interest? By creating your Interview Bucket List and diving deep into what motivates you, you can reignite your passion and take meaningful steps toward a career that truly excites you.