Adopting Skills-Based Hiring Practices. What Job Seekers Need to Know


While some of the pressure of talent shortages has eased, there continues to be a lack of skills, especially in digital, green, and healthcare roles. In fact, 62 percent of senior business executives globally identify a shortage of staff with IT skills as one of the main threats to their business. This means a significant change in hiring strategies is needed, and job seekers should be aware of these shifts to stay competitive in the job market.

Traditional hiring criteria, such as educational achievements, degrees held, and years of relevant experience, are evolving. Companies are now recognizing that these criteria often limit the talent pool and miss out on individuals who have the right skills but not the conventional qualifications. As a job seeker, understanding this shift can help you better position yourself for success.

In the coming year, skills are expected to take precedence over experience, with 75 percent of recruiting professionals believing that skills-first hiring will become an important focus for their organisations. This new approach means that companies will be looking more closely at the specific skills you bring to the table, rather than just your formal qualifications or job history.

How Job Seekers Can Leverage Skills-Based Hiring

To take advantage of this shift, job seekers can focus on the following strategies:

  1. Identify and Highlight Your Core Skills
    Start by identifying the core technical and soft skills you possess. Make sure your resume and LinkedIn profile clearly highlight these skills. Use specific examples to demonstrate how you have applied these skills in past roles or projects.
  2. Tailor Your Applications to Skill Requirements
    When applying for jobs, carefully read the job descriptions to understand the key skills required. Tailor your application to emphasize these skills, using keywords that match the job listing. This approach increases your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers and applicant tracking systems.
  3. Invest in Skill Development
    Continuous learning is crucial in today’s job market. Take advantage of online courses, workshops, and certifications to develop new skills or enhance existing ones. Not only does this make you more competitive, but it also shows potential employers that you are proactive and committed to personal growth.
  4. Leverage Internal Opportunities
    If you are currently employed, look for opportunities within your organization to apply and develop new skills. Many companies are now promoting internal talent mobility, allowing employees to move into new roles based on their skills. Taking on new challenges within your current company can help you build a more versatile skill set.


For many job seekers, the shift to skills-based hiring can be incredibly beneficial. It opens up opportunities for individuals who may not have traditional qualifications but possess the skills needed to excel. By focusing on skills, you can differentiate yourself from other candidates and increase your chances of landing a job that truly matches your capabilities.

As the job market continues to evolve, remember to stay informed about changes in hiring practices. By identifying and highlighting your skills, tailoring your applications, investing in continuous learning, and leveraging internal opportunities, you can position yourself for success in this new landscape.

Remember, companies are increasingly valuing skills over traditional qualifications, so focus on showcasing what you can do and how you can contribute to their success. Adopting this mindset will help you navigate the job market more effectively and secure the opportunities you deserve.